New Patients
Happiness Starts with Good Health – We Provide A Natural Way Back to Health
Your First Appoinment
Explaining The Findings
Once the examination is complete, you will be explained the findings and an outline of how to get better in the quickest possible time will be given.
Identifying The Problem.
First of all we will take down a medical history which may reveal the background to your current health care needs. After that we will conduct a thorough examination, which may include, postural analysis, orthopaedic and neurological tests and specific testing for misalignment of your spine that could cause compression of the nerves. X-Rays may be necessary to uncover underlying problems and will be discussed with you should you require them.
Treatment Options
If your problem is not appropriate for the treatment we provide, you will be advised what to do or be sent to another Health Professional.
Treatment can then often start without delay.